HELLO! I am a fine artist who loves to paint landscapes and florals

My childhood was certainly a treasured time for me. I was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and moved to Norman, Oklahoma when I was three. I grew up with five brothers and a sister—almost every memory being something I cherish. We are all so different, each has specific and unique gifts. This dynamic made for a very crazy, fun, and special household. My upbringing could be credited for cultivating my love of making art. I love the process of bringing different people together (including all our human imperfections!) through something that I made, because when two people with nothing in common come together through shared experience, it is a stunning thing.

It’s truly remarkable how a person’s purpose and calling in this world happens. I had only taken one art class in all of high school, and somehow decided to pursue that as a CAREER. It baffles me how something so small in my life could flourish into what brings me the most pleasure.

I graduated from the University of Mississippi with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and an emphasis in Graphic Design. This program caused me to see such beauty in all forms of art; it even challenged me to seek inspiration from all mediums, and apply that to my emphasis.


My deepest desire as an artist is to bring people together through a shared sense of awe and reverence for the beautiful gifts of nature, time, and human love around us.


I sold my first painting in 2007 at a Fall Festival school auction when I was in 5th grade. I won my first award for a drawing submitted to a contest at the Oklahoma History Center in 2009. I thank the sweet soul who purchased that clumsy painting. I won’t say it was horrible, but to my little, elementary mind, I thought I was a master. This encouraged me to pursue more technical challenges via youtube videos and art books. My mom was integral to my own thoughts about my artistic path. She encouraged all paintings, all drawings…the good and the bad. She didn’t lie to me, but she was gentle and kind, ready and willing to give me all her support, and for that, I can never repay her.

I saw art and design as a hobby, and that is where my serious aspirations began. A little seed was planted in my mind then that would grow into a beautiful, untamed forest of creative thought and passion. Nothing could keep me away… I simply gain so much overflowing joy from making art.

I launched my art instagram account when I was a Freshman in college with the support from my friends and family. I look back on some of the things I posted, and I feel embarrassed seeing how amateur or silly my posts were, but it’s an amazing thing to see my progression and growth as an artist. I’m unbelievably grateful for those who purchased art from me during that time when I was such a baby artist (and still am!). They had faith in me; instilled hope in my creative mind—I knew there was more to come.

At the end of 2020, I was reminded that there is an oppressive amount of negativity in this world, and I desire to bring hope and light where I see it’s needed.

While I pursue my art career, I work part-time as a Display Artist for Anthropologie. Your support means everything to me, and it’s both humbling and thrilling to be creating things that make the world a more beautiful place.